Navigating Your Journey: Sharing Your Pregnancy News with Your Church Community

Discovering you’re pregnant, especially when unplanned, can prompt a whirlwind of emotions. It can be particularly daunting when you’re preparing to share this news with your church community, a group often intertwined with shared values, support, and love. Here at Ramona Women’s Clinic, we respect that your faith and church community are integral parts of your life, and we’re here to guide you through this journey with understanding, compassion, and practical advice.

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Sharing Your Pregnancy with Your Friends and School: Practical Tips and Advice

Becoming pregnant while in high school or college can seem overwhelming, as you find yourself at the intersection of your personal life and educational career. Along with the complexity of your own emotions, you might also be uncertain about how to share the news with your friends and academic community. Here at Ramona Women’s Clinic, we understand the difficulties you may be facing. That’s why we’re offering some practical tips and guidance to help you navigate this challenging time.

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pregnant woman

Choosing to Document and Savor Each Moment

Whether a pregnancy was unplanned or highly hoped for, it can be easy to become overwhelmed by the whirlwind of checklists and to-do’s from the first trimester through delivery; without taking the time to cherish, document, and savor this sweet period of time. The most important factor in switching one’s mindset, is to embrace this nine month journey as a blessing; and though life-changing, the changes this child will bring will include joy, hope, and love that will fill a life more immensely then can even be fully understood until one experiences it personally. Though the belly grows externally for all to see, pregnancy is a very intimate experience; one that requires internal growth and strength.

Let us encourage you to embrace this time and actively choose to cherish each stage and milestone while they last; because truly the days are long but the weeks go fast. Despite the morning sickness, swelling, and mood swings; you will eventually find yourself missing the sweet intimate moments of pregnancy, but thankful for any documentation you have to reminisce upon.

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What To Expect From Your Ultrasounds

Whether in a sense of awe and disbelief, or that of reluctant denial; often the reality of a positive pregnancy test isn’t fully accepted until the first ultrasound, where one can physically, in real time see and believe that there is life growing within them. 

The first ultrasound is a dating and diagnostic ultrasound, which takes place around the seventh or eighth week. The Ramona Women’s Clinic provides this ultrasound as one of our many free resources. This scan uses modern technology to determine the viability of a pregnancy in a safe and non-invasive manner. In pregnancies that cannot be dated based on a previous menstrual cycle, this scan can also accurately measure the gestational dating. We believe this scan is imperative for every expecting mother as she weighs her options and should be utilized before making any decisions. 

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Breaking the News: Telling Your Parents About Your Unplanned Pregnancy

Telling your parents that you’re pregnant can be an overwhelming experience, especially if the pregnancy is unplanned. It’s normal to feel nervous or scared, but remember that your parents are there to support you, no matter what. If you’re a teen or young adult woman facing an unplanned pregnancy, know that you have options and resources available to you. Below are some practical tips and encouragement for telling your parents and navigating this situation:

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Choosing The Right Birthing Method For You

The list of choices one must make during this nine month journey can seem daunting and infinite. Our goal at the Ramona Women’s Clinic is to be a trusted resource for you, where you feel comfortable asking questions and sharing any concerns. Although your birth plan is the culmination of the last decisions you’ll need to make this side of pregnancy, it’s still a good idea to explore your options early on.

Once you have chosen your healthcare provider outside of our clinic, it’s important to learn what resources and options are available to you within that facility. If you have chosen to birth within a hospital, they will most commonly expect you to labor and deliver in bed. Some hospitals have showers or tubs for pain relief, however they can only be utilized if you choose to labor naturally, meaning without an epidural. This is because the epidural is an anesthetic injected into your spine relieving the pain brought by contractions; however limiting the feeling of pain simultaneously limits feeling and control of the lower half of your body. For this reason choosing to receive an epidural removes the option of moving from your bed during labor, however your relief from the pain should also subside your desire to move.

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The Hidden Dangers of Ordering Abortion Pills Online

As a supposedly “safe” alternative to surgical abortion, the chemical abortion process – commonly referred to as the “abortion pill” – has become increasingly popular. And with rising access to it through online services, its popularity is only increasing. Many would praise this as a step forward for women’s health, but the reality is that it marks a dangerous shift in medical care for women. Getting the abortion pill online can be dangerous as there are many risks involved. In this post, we will discuss some of the pitfalls and potential for harm that can come from ordering the abortion pill online.

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Friendships During Pregnancy

It’s important to have friends during all stages of your life, but especially during pregnancy. Pregnancy can be a time of joy, excitement, and anticipation, but it can also be a time when many women feel isolated and alone. This is perfectly natural, given the tremendous physical and emotional changes that occur during pregnancy. However, you shouldn’t have to face those challenges on your own. Friendships can provide the support, understanding, and love that you need during this special time. Whether you’re struggling with morning sickness or just feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of parenthood, engaged with your friends can go a long way in lightening the load and lifting your spirits.

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What to Expect From A Prenatal Class

Whether your pregnancy was unplanned or meticulously calculated and prayed for, this new chapter undoubtedly resembles an overwhelming roller coaster of emotions; and that can’t be blamed solely on spiked hormones. 

As if the life altering act of creating an entirely new life, while seemingly sacrificing a part of yourself wasn’t enough; it seems the list of questions, concerns and unknowns grows alongside your bump. Finding clarity among the chaos of questions can seem unattainable when your mind is in a constant jump of concerns from your changing body and baby development, to birthing and parenting; and everything in between. While we seemingly have the world of information at our fingertips, sometimes the weight of the google search and conflicting results can only heighten the preexisting anxiety. 

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Women’s History Month

March is Women’s History Month and we are Ramona Women’s Clinic.  Therefore, I felt it would be perfect timing to lift each other up as women in the community.

My favorite woman in history is Mary, Queen of Scots.  I know, she is not relevant to us here today but I find her life to be one of strength and in the end, she did what she felt she needed to do to survive.  Oh, perhaps she is more relevant for today than I thought!

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