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If you are facing an unexpected pregnancy and are considering abortion, it is wise for you to make sure you understand the risks. Every woman is different, but there are some common risks and side effects of abortion that you should consider.

However, before you look further into your options, you should make sure you are pregnant.

At Ramona Women’s Clinic, our experienced medical team can provide free, lab-quality pregnancy testing and an ultrasound.

An ultrasound can determine how far along you are and if your pregnancy is progressing within the uterus. These details can help you determine your next steps and your available options. Contact us today to make your free appointment.

Keep reading for more details on how an abortion can potentially affect you physically.

How Can a Medical Abortion Affect You Physically?

In a medical abortion (also called the abortion pill), two drugs are taken 24-48 hours apart.

The first drug, mifepristone, blocks progesterone, a necessary hormone for the pregnancy to continue. As a result, the pregnancy will end.

The second drug, misoprostol, will trigger uterine contractions to expel the pregnancy and related tissue through vaginal bleeding and abdominal cramping.

Every woman who undergoes a medical abortion will experience these physical effects, however, the intensity and level of pain will differ based on each woman.

There are several documented side effects, including upset stomach, vomiting, fever, chills, diarrhea, and headache.

There are also risks of the body not releasing all pregnancy tissue in the uterus (incomplete abortion), an ongoing pregnancy, heavy and prolonged bleeding, infection, fever, and digestive symptoms such as upset stomach.

How Can a Surgical Abortion Affect You Physically?

One type of surgical abortion is a dilation and curettage abortion (D&C).

During this procedure, an abortion provider dilates (opens) the cervix using dilation rods or tools and sometimes drugs. Then, the provider will use a mixture of surgical instruments and suction to remove the pregnancy and related tissue from the uterus.

The side effects of a surgical abortion include mild cramping and light bleeding spotting or spotting, which can last for a few days. The risks include perforation of the uterus, damage to the cervix, scar tissue on the uterine wall, and infection.

Untreated STIs Present More Risks

Additionally, it is crucial to test for STIs, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea, before having an abortion. During an abortion, these can spread deeper into the reproductive system, creating a risk of developing pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).

PID can cause chronic pelvic pain, infertility, ectopic pregnancy, and tubo-ovarian abscess (a collection of pus that forms in your reproductive tract). Both untreated ectopic pregnancies and abscesses can be dangerous to your health.

At Ramona Women’s Clinic, We Can Help!

Our caring and experienced team can provide the information you need to make a safe and informed decision. In addition to pregnancy testing and ultrasounds, we also test and treat for chlamydia and gonorrhea.

Our Options Counseling provides information on parenting, adoption, and abortion. We will help you explore your options to make the best decision for you.

Make your free appointment today! At Ramona Women’s Clinic, you can get the answers and support you need.

Ramona Women’s Clinic does not provide or refer for abortion.

All abortion information sourced in this blog is based on accurate information at the time of writing.

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