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As a whole, the world seems to be surrounded in a blanket of fear, confusion, and sheer panic.  Most people are asked to stay home in order to hopefully minimize the spread of Covid-19, the Coronavirus. At a time like this, most of us feel uncertain and completely unsure of what will tomorrow be like. 


As an individual, life still marches forward. The many stresses in people’s lives have not gone away due to Covid-19’s presence. Among the more anxiety inducing of these stresses would be a pregnancy. Now, especially in times as chaotic as these, one of the last things a woman would want to be worried about is not only herself, but her unborn child’s health. Perhaps this fear of exposing yourself to the virus has driven you away from entering potentially contaminated areas like the store in order to buy a pregnancy test, especially with all the panic driven shoppers buying everything off the shelves. However, do not fear, help is still here and hope is not lost.


We at the Ramona Women’s Clinic are proud to say that we are still open and able to serve the needs of women in our community. In times like these, many are scared and would want to be certain about their current situation, especially a pregnancy. Our doors are open and even though we cannot offer a reassuring hug, we can offer a free, reassuring 99% accurate pregnancy test for you. We are taking every precaution we can, and are constantly following the new recommendations provided by the CDC to maintain a safe environment for you. Please, do not hesitate to contact us to make an appointment today. 


You're not alone.