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Have questions? We’ve got answers. Facing an unplanned pregnancy can feel overwhelming, but we’re here to help you find clarity and feel supported along the way.

If you recently had unprotected sex, your birth control failed, and you’re experiencing strange physical symptoms or a missed period, it’s time to take a pregnancy test. However, taking the test as directed is essential for receiving accurate results. At Ramona Women’s Clinic, we offer free, lab-quality pregnancy testing to give you the clarity you need right now.

Did you receive a positive pregnancy test result? Did you know this is only the first step in confirming your pregnancy? Ultrasound is the next step. This simple scan will confirm that you’re pregnant and also give you the key details you need to know to stay safe. At Ramona Women’s Clinic, we offer free, limited ultrasounds because we believe you deserve to have the information you need to make an educated decision.

Did you recently have unprotected sex? Did your birth control fail? Having strange physical symptoms? All of these situations and more can make you worried about having an STI. And getting STI testing is the only way to know for sure. We provide this service if you receive a positive pregnancy test result at the Clinic.

No! All appointments, resources, and services at Ramona Women’s Clinic are offered for free, because we believe that you deserve to have what you need to stay safe.

Yes! We welcome you to bring your partner, friend, relative, or other support person to your appointment. Whatever makes you feel most comfortable.

Missing your period is often the first sign of pregnancy. If you missed a period or are experiencing other symptoms of early pregnancy, it’s critical to take a pregnancy test to know for sure.

You're not alone.