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If you’re a student or thinking about starting school, your biggest worry right now is probably wondering whether succeeding as a pregnant student is possible. If so, the answer is yes! 

Know Your Rights 

You have federally protected rights as a pregnant student. According to Title IX, you are protected from discrimination based on pregnancy status (among other factors), and you’re also entitled to certain accommodations, including:

  • Excused absences and the ability to return to the same academic standing as before your medical leave began
  • The option to receive homebound education and tutoring services
  • Reasonable adjustments, like larger desks, elevator access, more bathroom breaks, etc.

This isn’t a complete list of the accommodations you’re entitled to, so it’s important to fully explore the accommodations and services available under Title IX by speaking with your school’s guidance counselor. This federal civil rights law makes sure that you have what you need to succeed as a pregnant student.

Think About Your Goals

If you want to pursue an education or continue your studies while pregnant, it’s essential to know that it’s possible! Along with learning more about the Title IX accommodations you’re entitled to, it’s important to consider your educational goals.

Thinking through the following questions can help:

  • What do I want to achieve in my education? (For example, do I want to finish/pursue a degree? Receive a technical certificate?)
  • Have I talked to my school’s guidance counselor yet about my pregnancy and the accommodations I’m eligible for?
  • What steps can I take to pursue my education while pregnant?

You’re Not Alone in This

At Ramona Women’s Clinic, we’re here to support you. If you want to pursue your education while pregnant, we have the resources to help ensure your success.

Contact us today to learn about all the ways we’re here to help. You’re stronger than you know. You’ve got this!

You're not alone.