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You think you might be pregnant, and you weren’t expecting it. Lots of emotions can come into play.

What should you do? Where should you go to find answers?

The first step is to find out if you are pregnant. At Ramona Women’s Clinic, we provide medical services for pregnancy confirmation, including free pregnancy testing. Contact us to schedule a confidential appointment.

Keep reading to learn about abortion and mental health.

Every Woman Will React Differently

Abortion is a personal decision that impacts the course of your life. Because of this and the nature of abortion procedures (either a surgical procedure or taking drugs that trigger vaginal bleeding and abdominal cramping), women will react differently to an abortion experience.

You know yourself better than anyone and can best predict how you may or may not feel after an abortion procedure. However, there are some facts from research to give you insight into mental health and abortion.

What Are Some Potential Mental Health Impacts of Abortion?

Women who have abortions can experience a variety of emotions, from relief to

sadness and guilt. However, studies have shown that grief can surface several months or years later.

Research has also found that women who have abortions have an 81% increased risk of experiencing mental health problems than those who have not. These can include alcohol and drug use, anxiety, depression, and suicidal behaviors.

Are Some Women More at Risk Than Others?

Researchers have identified certain risk factors that increase the chances of mental health issues. These include if a woman…

  • Feels pressured to have an abortion
  • Has existing maternal desires
  • Has conflicting moral beliefs
  • Has a history of mental health issues

We’re Here to Help You

At Ramona Women’s Clinic, we care about you. If you’re facing an unexpected pregnancy, we can help. We are here to answer your pregnancy questions and concerns as you consider your options. Make an appointment today.

If you are struggling after an abortion, contact us for assistance. Recovery is possible.

*Important note: if you are thinking about suicide, call or text 988, the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, for immediate help.

All abortion information sourced in this blog is based on accurate information at the time of writing.

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