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Know that ANY form of abuse, verbal, sexual, physical, or emotional, is never okay. You deserve respect and to feel safe and protected at all times. Help is available. Call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at (800) 799-SAFE (7233) for immediate support.

Stay in a Safe Place

Do you feel like there is no way out of this overwhelming situation you’re in after finding out you’re pregnant? Whether your partner has previously been abusive or is just showing signs of abuse, reach out for help, as your pregnancy could be in danger as well.

Your emotions are valid, and it’s vital to ensure your safety and health immediately. The first step towards safety is finding a safe place to house yourself where your partner cannot contact you.

We know this is a big step, and we can help you take it. We can also assist you with community referrals to find affordable housing.

If you’ve already tried moving out and your partner has only become more violent, contact the police to learn more about getting a restraining order. You deserve to feel at peace.

Should I Tell My Partner About the Pregnancy?

Never be alone with your partner after any form of abuse, and it may not be safe to share the news of your pregnancy with them.

Do your best to gauge whether it’s a good time to tell your partner or best to tell them at all. Your safety is the most important thing, so if you feel it’s best not to tell your partner, trust your gut.

Talk to a trusted family member, friend, or mentor about your situation before talking to your partner. If speaking to your partner about your pregnancy seems safe, bring someone with you and do it in a public setting.

Find Non-Judgmental Support

You deserve to feel safe as you navigate an unplanned pregnancy. Facing a pregnancy without your partner can feel lonely, but you are not alone.

We are here to help at Ramona Women’s Clinic. We can listen to your unique situation and connect you to local resources so you feel safe and confident in your next steps. Contact us to speak with a team member today.

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