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I want to parent, but I don’t know what I’m doing.

I have no idea how to care for a baby.

I’m worried about giving birth.

How will my body change during pregnancy?

The idea of parenting can feel overwhelming, and you likely have a million thoughts running through your head right now. We understand what you’re going through, but it’s important to understand that no one feels completely prepared to parent.

However, the more you know, the more you will feel confident to parent successfully. And our educational opportunities are here to help!

Plus, for every class you complete, you’ll earn Baby Bucks, which you can use to purchase essential items (like diapers, wipes, clothing, furniture, and more!) from our Mommy and Me Market.

By taking advantage of our free educational classes and earning essential baby items through our Mommy and Me Market, you will enter parenthood feeling more prepared.

Classes We Offer

We offer various classes that are intended to prepare you for birth, parenting, and beyond. Each course is structured with a video lesson, course work, and a lively discussion with our trained, compassionate team members.

Examples of the courses we offer include:

Pregnancy and Birth

  • What to Expect During Pregnancy
  • Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices During Birth and Beyond
  • Preparing for Birth

Newborn Care

  • Newborn Care Basics 101
  • Infant CPR
  • Infant Safety Essentials
  • Bonding with Your Baby
  • Breastfeeding Care
  • Newborn Sleep and Feeding Schedules

Life Skills

  • Budgeting Basics
  • Healthy Diet and Lifestyle Routines
  • Preparing for Your Future
  • Healthy Relationships

Next Steps

Interested in a class? Want to learn more about a topic that’s not listed? Contact us today to learn more and get signed up.

The more you know, the more you will be confident to step into parenting feeling prepared. You’re not alone as you navigate your pregnancy and parenting. We’re here for you.

You're not alone.