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Make an Appointment

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Did you just find out you’re pregnant? Did you know you have options?

You’re likely feeling overwhelmed right now. We get it. And we’re here to help.

This is why we offer free Options Counseling appointments.

What Happens During an Options Counseling Appointment?

Finding out you’re pregnant can be overwhelming, and it’s easy to feel like you don’t know which way is forward. This is where Options Counseling appointments come in.

At an Options Counseling appointment at Ramona Women’s Clinic, you’ll meet with one of our caring team members in a safe, supportive space and receive:

  • Medically accurate information about each of your pregnancy options. Your pregnancy decision is yours alone to make, but we believe that knowledge is power. When you have the facts about each of your options and know the resources that are available to help, you will feel empowered to make the best decision for you.
  • The space to ask questions. Making sure that all your questions are answered is a vital part of making a pregnancy decision. This is why we give you the time and space to ask questions, free from judgment or bias. We never profit from your pregnancy decision, and we care deeply about your well-being. That’s why we’re here to answer your questions and support you along the way.
  • Community referrals, services, and resources. Once you fully understand your options, you’ll be given community referrals and offered relevant services and resources to help. No matter whether you need educational opportunities to further your knowledge and skills or help with housing, groceries, etc., we’re here for you.

How Can I Prepare for My Options Counseling Appointment?

You likely have a million questions running through your mind right now. That’s understandable, but putting them down on paper beforehand can help.

Before your appointment, thinking through these questions can help you feel prepared:

  • What are my biggest questions and concerns about each of my pregnancy options?
  • Which option am I leaning toward right now and why?
  • Are my circumstances, friends, partner, or family influencing my decision?

You’re Not Alone

It can feel impossible to work through your pregnancy options, but you’re not doing this alone. We’re here for you every step of the way.

Contact us today to schedule your free, confidential Options Counseling appointment to gain the clarity you need right now.

You're not alone.