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Did you receive a positive result on your pregnancy test? Did you know that getting an ultrasound is the next step to confirm your pregnancy?

How Does an Ultrasound Work?

Ultrasound is a scan that uses sound waves to create a picture of your body’s internal structures. Ultrasound is considered low risk during pregnancy because it doesn’t use radiation (like CT scans or X-rays).

Two different types of ultrasound are used during pregnancy: transvaginal and abdominal.

A transvaginal ultrasound is invasive because the transducer (the wand-like part of the ultrasound machine) is placed gently inside your vagina. This type of ultrasound is used if your pregnancy is still very early, as it provides a clearer image. Meanwhile, abdominal ultrasound is used later in pregnancy; it’s non-invasive and involves the transducer being moved along your abdomen.

What Can Ultrasound Reveal About My Pregnancy?

While a pregnancy test can indicate that you’re potentially pregnant, an ultrasound will intend to confirm the viability of your pregnancy. Viability refers to whether your pregnancy has a detectable heartbeat or whether you’ve had a miscarriage.

This is essential, considering that as many as 26% of pregnancies end in miscarriage. And if you’ve miscarried, you will need medical follow-up care to ensure you don’t face complications.

Ultrasound can also reveal the gestational age of your pregnancy (how far along you are), which can determine which pregnancy options are available. For example, medical abortion is only FDA-approved if your pregnancy is 10 weeks gestation or under.

Finally, an ultrasound can show the location of your pregnancy, which is important for ruling out an ectopic pregnancy—which is when a pregnancy grows outside your uterus; this is a medical emergency that requires immediate treatment.

What to Expect During an Ultrasound Appointment

During a limited ultrasound appointment, the medical professional conducting the ultrasound will make sure you are comfortable. They will then apply a jellylike substance on your abdomen, which helps create a clearer image.

The medical professional then moves the transducer along your abdomen, looking for the details of your pregnancy. You will be able to view your pregnancy on the screen.

As mentioned before, if the pregnancy is very early, ultrasounds are done transvaginally to ensure a clear picture and accurate information is collected.

We’re Here for You

Receiving a positive pregnancy test result can make it feel like your whole world has been turned upside down. However, we’re here to help give you the clarity and support you need right now.

We offer free ultrasounds and Option Counseling appointments, because we believe that the more you know, the more you will feel empowered to make confident, healthy decisions.

Contact us today to schedule your free, confidential appointment.

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