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Where can someone facing an unplanned pregnancy find choice?  The word “choice” is used a lot when considering a pregnancy decision. While most people are uncomfortable with the thought of ending a pregnancy, using the word “choice” as a euphemism is more helpful to the abortion movement.

But where can one truly find choice? At abortion centers, the only product offered is . . . Abortion. No one has options at an abortion center; one can either terminate a pregnancy or walk back out the door.  Yet, at Ramona Women’s Clinic, anyone facing an unplanned pregnancy is given a wide range of choices to consider. In truth there are five options in every pregnancy: Adoption, Marriage, Single Parenting, Co-Parenting, and, yes, abortion.

Ours is the only organization where a person can find support for four of the five choices one might consider; and is the only place where full disclosure is provided for the fifth option, abortion.  After all, when one is selling a product like abortion, many facts must be left unsaid, or the buyer may walk away.

So again, let’s ask, “Where can someone facing an unplanned pregnancy find choice?”  When we consider this question we quickly realize that an industry that sells one product is falsely advertising to its target audience when they claim they offer choice. Politicians, media outlets, and more have seized on this word and . . . propagated an absolute myth.  Choice?

The fact is, we are choice, and always have been.  And yet there is more. With the many choices we support at Ramona Women’s Clinic we offer something extremely powerful in any life: Hope. Hope takes place when a decision made is positive for all involved, including the child waiting to be born. In addition, hope grows when the decision doesn’t violate one’s conscience.  This is our goal: To offer true choice, and true hope. We do this every day at Ramona Women’s Clinic regardless of what we hear from those who focus only on one option.

For nearly 30 years here, there are no myths. Here, there are no sales techniques.  But here, there is hope.  And yes, there is life.  And there always will be.

You're not alone.