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First, it’s very kind of you to consider your friend’s feelings and desire to support her during an unexpected pregnancy. We can give you some tips on supporting her while allowing her space. It could be a balancing act, but knowing you care will mean the world to your friend.

Communication is Key

You could have heard the news from a family member of your friend’s or a partner. Be sure to let her tell you herself. After discovering your friend is pregnant, tell her you are there for her. 

Sometimes, people get nervous and unsure of how to comfort someone during a time like this. Overcommunication is much better than remaining silent or not communicating enough.

Hear Her Out

Next, your partner may confide in you when the time is right and need to vent somewhat. Do your best to listen well and wait to react. Listen to understand her, not just to respond. You can do this.

Hearing the questions and concerns that your friend is going through may make you feel powerless, but your listening ability is the greatest act of support right now. All she wants is to be heard and feel supported. 

Go the Extra Mile

Once you give your friend space to work through her emotions and talk to her partner and family, go the extra mile. Bring her favorite snacks, drinks, and other gifts you think would cheer her up. You know your friend best, and you both can draw closer through a time like this.

Support is Available

If your friend hasn’t already, confirming her pregnancy details is essential to determining her options. We’re here for her if she needs extra support with this step!

There is a lot to consider before she decides about an unplanned pregnancy. We can help her answer the following questions:

  • Is the pregnancy viable (healthy)?
  • How far along is she?
  • Is the pregnancy in her uterus?

The Ramona Women’s Clinic is here to help her confirm her pregnancy with a medical-quality pregnancy test, a limited obstetrical ultrasound, and options information. All services are free and confidential. Contact us to schedule an appointment.

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