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As a mother, you know the time, energy, and resources it takes to raise kids. It can be hard, really hard. But parenting also has its rewards. Those hugs after a hard day of being together can make all the difference.

If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy while already raising other kids, you have a big decision to make. Which option will be best for you this time: having an abortion, making an adoption plan, or parenting another child? Let’s take a closer look at each one.

Confirm Your Pregnancy First

Although we’re confident you can recognize pregnancy symptoms, getting confirmation is critical. Although at-home pregnancy tests are reliable, even the experts recommend taking more than one to verify the results.

Ramona Women’s Clinic can provide your first test, or you can retest. Either way, the pregnancy tests are free. We also offer a free limited ultrasound if you receive a positive test result.

An ultrasound does the following:

  • Determine how far along you are in your pregnancy.
  • Detect if your pregnancy is developing or if you have had a miscarriage.
  • Locate your pregnancy to verify if it is in your uterus.

Are You Considering Abortion?

Having an abortion is a serious medical decision with the potential for physical and mental consequences. Get information about various abortion procedures, side effects, and the possible risks first.

The FDA approves the use of abortion drugs if your pregnancy is 10 weeks or fewer. You may need to have a surgical procedure if your pregnancy is beyond this point. If your children are aware of your pregnancy, it may be challenging to explain to them why you need an abortion.

Studies have shown that some women struggle emotionally after an abortion. Although we do not perform or refer for abortions, we can give you factual, medically based information about the procedures and what to expect.

What Do You Think About Making an Adoption Plan?

Today’s adoption process is very different from a few decades ago. Today, the expectant mother makes all the decisions. She chooses the adoptive couple and the future she wants her child to have.

Many women currently raising other children choose to place a child for adoption. Depending on the age of your children, you can also involve them in selecting the adoptive family. Adoption costs you nothing and, in most cases, provides complete medical and legal assistance.

A reputable, licensed adoption agency can help you explain to your children the many benefits of making an adoption plan and help them realize you are making this choice because you love all of your children.

What About Parenting Another Child?

We understand if the thought of having another mouth to feed and another person to care for is overwhelming. Parenting is challenging, but we know several resources that could help you.

For instance, we offer material assistance to help you with diapers, wipes, baby clothes, etc. Ask about our educational opportunities, too.

We can also provide referrals for housing, groceries, and utility assistance. Talk with us about your situation. Together, we can formulate a plan for your success.

How Do I Decide?

Only you know what’s best for you and your children. Schedule a free and confidential appointment to talk with one of our caring advocates at Ramona Women’s Clinic.

We know this is a difficult time, but there is a bright plan for your family’s future. Let us help you.

All abortion information sourced in this blog is based on accurate information at the time of writing.

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