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Pregnancy can sometimes come at a difficult time. You may be seeking options because you don’t feel comfortable with abortion.

Abortion is not your only option.  If you are already pregnant, two other options are available: adoption and parenting. Keep reading to learn more about each one.

You can also visit Ramona Women’s Clinic to talk in person and receive no-cost pregnancy services. Schedule an appointment today.

Adoption as an Option

You may have concluded that you cannot raise a child right now. Adoption is a loving alternative.

In California, you have many options for an adoption plan. For your protection, selecting a reputable, licensed adoption agency or attorney is best.

Under their guidance, you can choose the adoptive family you want for your child. Adoptive parents undergo careful screening, including background checks and home studies.

You can choose how much contact you will have with your child. California allows open (direct contact), semi-open (medicated contact), or closed (no contact) adoptions.

The adoptive family can assist with adoption expenses, including medical care not covered by insurance, counseling, legal fees, agency fees, living expenses, and other necessary and reasonable costs. The adoption agency will walk you through that process.

If you are considering adoption, we can provide referrals to local agencies. Plus, we can give you further information on adoption and your rights.

Parenting as an Option

Even if you are finding yourself pregnant at a difficult time, there are many resources available to assist you in parenting your child.

Ramona Women’s Clinic can provide community referrals, emotional support, classes, and material support (such as diapers and maternity clothes) to support you.

If you have questions about how parenting could work or parenting questions in general, ask us. We are here to equip you so you are ready for your next chapter.

Visit Ramona Women’s Clinic

If you think you might be pregnant, start by finding out for sure at Ramona Women’s Clinic.

Our medical team can provide a free lab-quality pregnancy test. We may also offer a free ultrasound.

Once you confirm your pregnancy, we can talk about your pregnancy options.

At Ramona Women’s Clinic, we provide confidential care and support for women facing an unplanned pregnancy. Contact us today.

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