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Nesting is a term often used to romanticize an instinctual period of time in the third trimester. Your Instagram is likely flooded with “mom-influencers” depicting nesting as a time spent picking out color schemes, organizing a multitude of baby clothes, and ultimately creating the most aesthetic nursery. Despite the trend, and while all of these can be a part of nesting; this is actually an instinctual urge as our body recognizes the baby’s approaching arrival. This is characterized by a sudden spout of energy and desire to clean, organize, and prepare for your newest addition.

Perhaps it’s common that in first pregnancies this period of time is more restful and rewarding, full of anticipation and excitement… and if you’re in that season right now, enjoy it. Drink it in, make it as magical as you can; because “nesting” will likely never be a relaxing experience again…she said with a hint of sarcasm. In future pregnancies that instinctual urge feels less like a beautiful labor of love, and more like an internal battle between your pure exhaustion and a sudden innate desire to scrub your floor grout with a toothbrush. As if keeping up with your older kids wasn’t tiring enough, there’s a new mess to clean up overtime you turn around and now your body feels like it’ll be life or death if you don’t find every last dust bunny before your baby arrives. This time around organizing baby clothes really means going through all of your older kid’s clothes in order to make room in the closet, and that’s essentially the mother’s version of, “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.”

While it may be overwhelming, chaotic, and feel like a non-stop laundry list that repeats itself daily; while your attention is split between preparing for the newest addition while constantly recovering the damage done by your toddler; your efforts are not in vain. Motherhood is a front-row seat to the daily die-to-self sacrifice, and this is simply the newest aspect. Do what you can, but remember that what’s more important than the dust bunnies and dirty grout, is taking the time to also prepare mentally and spiritually. Soak in this season of beautiful chaos, holding your babies a little tighter knowing that compared to a newborn, soon they won’t seem so small. Just as in every season, give yourself grace; appreciate your body for the work it’s done in sustaining life within you while also nurturing the souls entrusted to you, appreciate your home for the protection and comfort it provides your growing family; fixing your eyes on the blessings surrounding you instead of being overcome by the chaos and anticipation of change.

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