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The holiday season, Halloween to New Year’s, in general can be very exciting.  For some people, the entire year is just made perfect by the culmination of the holiday season.  The costumes of Halloween, followed by the most amazing Thanksgiving dinner of turkey, dressing and some pumpkin pie to finish the deal.  Only to be made perfect by the lights and all the trimmings that come with Christmas that lasts until New Year’s.


Of course, for some, the holiday season is only a reminder for the loss of a loved one, sister, brother, mother or father?  Despite the joyous time, there can be a side of sadness and tragedy.  I can say without reservation that during the holiday season, despite my joy of the season, I miss my mom and I miss my dad.


Perhaps this year is different for you.  You are no longer thinking about the joyous time of the season.  You are no longer focused on the loss of a loved one.  Perhaps this year you are realizing that without any action at all, next Christmas will have the pitter patter of little feet.  Little feet that belong to a baby.  One you might bring into this world.  Perhaps looking at all your friends enjoying the season helps you see even more how scary your pregnancy diagnosis is for you.  Your friends get to party!  They get to ring in the new year without stressing.


However, you are tired, and in bed by 9 pm.  Your thoughts are not on who will drive you home after a night of drinking.  Perhaps your thoughts are on who will drive you to your abortion.  Wait, is that what you want?  Is that really your only option?  It’s time for Thanksgiving dinner.  Will I tell my mom she will be a grandma at such a young age?  Or, she is ok with being a grandma, but she would have been much happier if you would have gotten married first.  What do you say to her?  You are daddy’s girl, now telling daddy you are no longer that little girl.


This time not only can be stressful, it IS stressful.  But you must know, it does not matter if tomorrow is Thanksgiving or Christmas.  What matters is-what do you do next?  Who do you talk to next?  What really are your options and who do you talk to about those options?  One thing you need to know is that there is time.  It doesn’t matter what day in December it is.  What matters is you, your feelings and your options.


We are here to talk about each and every option, as well as, each and every step.  Baby steps are needed, we can help with that.  A giant step forward?  Come talk to us first.  That giant step might end up being a little smaller than you think.  One moment at a time.  Tomorrow will be there, and we will be here for you.

You're not alone.