“Surprise !? All I wanted was a closer relationship with my boyfriend, and now I think I have a positive pregnancy test.” Maybe it’s not true. How can you know for sure? This is a serious matter that needs verification, but without breaking the bank. The Ramona Women’s Clinic can meet this need by both a urine test and an ultrasound at no charge to you. Even a positive urine test does not mean the baby is in a position to support their own life. That information can only be known by an ultrasound. This is the objective clinical information you need and our clinic can provide to all who seek our services. Once this information is known, then the next step of decision making will be made by an informed mother, not someone in a state of panic. A mother’s decision to choose life for her baby or not needs careful thought. One decision path ends quickly and there’s no turning back, while the other may look like a mountain too high to climb but hasn’t it been done before? How is that mountain of carrying an unplanned baby accomplished? You may have no money, no insurance, and no place to stay, but did you know there are resources for these needs, too? You need more information. This may be a challenging time but it’s up to you to rise up and seek out this knowledge for your own sake. How have other women felt after an abortion? How have they felt after giving life to their baby and selecting an adoption family? Why can’t you just google this choice? This decision is not black and white or a computer calculation from a machine. It’s a human choice that impacts human life for both mother, father, and baby. How will you do it? Surely, you should gather information. Many have been in this place before. How did they decide? Does everyone trembling in fear get informed with no regrets? Come and find out. Seekers are welcomed here. Then you’re ready to make your decision.
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