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When someone thinks they might be pregnant, there are so many questions.  This is especially true for someone who has never experienced pregnancy before.  Most often, the first sign of being pregnant is missing your mensural cycle.  However, not everyone keeps track of those dates.  Morning sickness and breast changes are some other signs which might make a woman think she may be pregnant.  Morning sickness or nausea anytime of the day can be a symptom of pregnancy, one that will grab your attention.  Swollen and or uncomfortable breasts can also be an annoying early sign of pregnancy.  There are other common symptoms of pregnancy.  But back to the question, when is it time to take a test?  The truth is, a pregnancy test if taken too soon, might give you a negative result even when you are in fact pregnant.  Once you have missed your period, you are getting closer to the right time.  Some would suggest the best time to take a pregnancy test is one week after you have missed the start of your period.  For those who choose to take the test sooner, then it is suggested the best time of day that you take the test is first thing in the morning. 

If you think you might be pregnant and you are ready for a pregnancy test, we are here for you. Our tests and services are at no cost to you and our tests are 99% accurate.  Above and beyond all of that, all of our services are done in confidence.  Our caring team of staff and volunteers are standing by, and are ready to help you.  Contact us here.

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