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If you’ve found yourself face to face with an unplanned pregnancy,  it can be a difficult and confusing time. It’s important to take the necessary steps to evaluate your options and make an informed decision about what is best for you.

Confirm your pregnancy first.

It is extremely important to confirm your pregnancy if you think you are facing an unplanned pregnancy. A pregnancy test can help give you clarity and understanding of the situation. Ramona Women’s Clinic offers free lab-quality pregnancy tests that are quick and accurate. Additionally, limited ultrasounds are available to help further confirm your pregnancy and potentially determine how far along you are. If you’re ready to confirm your pregnancy, contact us to get scheduled!

Know all of your options.

When talking about pregnancy, there are three main options to consider: parenting, adoption, and abortion.

Raising a child as a teen or young adult is probably an intimidating concept for you. It’s normal and natural to feel feelings of fear or anxiety at the thought of being a parent so early in life.  However, despite being faced with unique obstacles and challenges, parenting can provide you with an unparalleled sense of joy and purpose in life.  It can also provide you with the opportunity to really make a difference in another person’s life and shape them into the best version of themselves.

Adoption is another option many pregnant women consider. Placing your child for adoption allows them to live with a loving family who will be able to provide financially, emotionally, and physically for their needs. Some women feel that giving their child up for adoption is selfish or even cowardly, but that couldn’t be further from the truth! Adoption is a courageous decision that allows your child to have the best life possible while allowing you to focus on your own goals.

Finally, abortion is also an option for pregnant women facing unplanned pregnancies. While abortion often seems like the easiest option since it stops the pregnancy and presumably all the problems associated with it, there are actually serious medical, mental, and emotional risks involved. Abortions can have long-term effects on a woman’s physical and mental health, so it is important to make sure you are fully informed before making this decision.

Take your time and don’t be pressured.

Unplanned pregnancies don’t have a single “right” answer or solution, so it’s important to take the time you need to understand all of your options and determine what is best for you. It can be tempting to make a snap decision in order to quickly move on from the situation, but this could lead to regret down the line. You don’t need to rush into any decision and it is important that you feel comfortable with your choice in the end.

It’s easy to get pushed into a decision, especially if the people that you love and trust are pressuring you to make a particular choice. Perhaps your boyfriend is insisting on an abortion or your parents are demanding you place your child up for adoption. Regardless of what others think or say, it’s important to remember that this is your decision to make and you should not feel obligated to do something you’re not comfortable with.

Ask for help when you need it.

At Ramona Women’s Clinic, we understand that facing an unplanned pregnancy can be a difficult and confusing experience. That’s why we are committed to providing the necessary services, resources, counseling, and companionship to help you make the right decision for your life. Don’t hesitate to reach out to our team – we’re here for you!

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