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pregnant woman

Choosing to Document and Savor Each Moment

Whether a pregnancy was unplanned or highly hoped for, it can be easy to become overwhelmed by the whirlwind of checklists and to-do’s from the first trimester through delivery; without taking the time to cherish, document, and savor this sweet period of time. The most important factor in switching one’s mindset, is to embrace this


What To Expect From Your Ultrasounds

Whether in a sense of awe and disbelief, or that of reluctant denial; often the reality of a positive pregnancy test isn’t fully accepted until the first ultrasound, where one can physically, in real time see and believe that there is life growing within them.  The first ultrasound is a dating and diagnostic ultrasound, which


Breaking the News: Telling Your Parents About Your Unplanned Pregnancy

Telling your parents that you’re pregnant can be an overwhelming experience, especially if the pregnancy is unplanned. It’s normal to feel nervous or scared, but remember that your parents are there to support you, no matter what. If you’re a teen or young adult woman facing an unplanned pregnancy, know that you have options and


Choosing The Right Birthing Method For You

The list of choices one must make during this nine month journey can seem daunting and infinite. Our goal at the Ramona Women’s Clinic is to be a trusted resource for you, where you feel comfortable asking questions and sharing any concerns. Although your birth plan is the culmination of the last decisions you’ll need


The Hidden Dangers of Ordering Abortion Pills Online

As a supposedly “safe” alternative to surgical abortion, the chemical abortion process – commonly referred to as the “abortion pill” – has become increasingly popular. And with rising access to it through online services, its popularity is only increasing. Many would praise this as a step forward for women’s health, but the reality is that


Friendships During Pregnancy

It’s important to have friends during all stages of your life, but especially during pregnancy. Pregnancy can be a time of joy, excitement, and anticipation, but it can also be a time when many women feel isolated and alone. This is perfectly natural, given the tremendous physical and emotional changes that occur during pregnancy. However,


What to Expect From A Prenatal Class

Whether your pregnancy was unplanned or meticulously calculated and prayed for, this new chapter undoubtedly resembles an overwhelming roller coaster of emotions; and that can’t be blamed solely on spiked hormones.  As if the life altering act of creating an entirely new life, while seemingly sacrificing a part of yourself wasn’t enough; it seems the


Women’s History Month

March is Women’s History Month and we are Ramona Women’s Clinic.  Therefore, I felt it would be perfect timing to lift each other up as women in the community. My favorite woman in history is Mary, Queen of Scots.  I know, she is not relevant to us here today but I find her life to


Your Choice: Making an Informed Decision

If you’ve found yourself face to face with an unplanned pregnancy,  it can be a difficult and confusing time. It’s important to take the necessary steps to evaluate your options and make an informed decision about what is best for you. Confirm your pregnancy first. It is extremely important to confirm your pregnancy if you


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