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How to Talk to Your Partner about an Unplanned Pregnancy

Discovering an unplanned pregnancy can evoke a wide range of emotions, from shock and fear to excitement and joy. One of the first and most crucial steps in navigating this journey is having a conversation with your partner. This conversation may be difficult, but at Ramona Women’s Clinic, we believe in the power of open,


Understanding the Potential Impact of Abortion on Mental Health

Abortion is a multifaceted issue with effects that extend beyond the physical realm. One vital aspect that is often underemphasized is its potential impact on a woman’s mental health. At Ramona Women’s Clinic, we steadfastly believe in the significance of a thorough understanding of these potential impacts when women are facing crucial decisions about pregnancy.


What to Expect in the Four Trimesters

It’s common knowledge to understand a pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks, and is divided into three trimesters; however it’s less common to understand what each stage of one’s pregnancy signifies and means until one finds themself neck deep in symptoms and google searches. So let’s briefly explore each trimester and their significance to you and


Telling Your Partner About an Unplanned Pregnancy

Finding out that you’re pregnant can be overwhelming, especially if the pregnancy is unplanned. One of the biggest decisions you’ll face is telling the baby’s father about the pregnancy. You’re not alone in this situation and you should know that you have options and resources available to you. Below you will find some tips and

pregnant woman

Choosing to Document and Savor Each Moment

Whether a pregnancy was unplanned or highly hoped for, it can be easy to become overwhelmed by the whirlwind of checklists and to-do’s from the first trimester through delivery; without taking the time to cherish, document, and savor this sweet period of time. The most important factor in switching one’s mindset, is to embrace this


What To Expect From Your Ultrasounds

Whether in a sense of awe and disbelief, or that of reluctant denial; often the reality of a positive pregnancy test isn’t fully accepted until the first ultrasound, where one can physically, in real time see and believe that there is life growing within them.  The first ultrasound is a dating and diagnostic ultrasound, which


Breaking the News: Telling Your Parents About Your Unplanned Pregnancy

Telling your parents that you’re pregnant can be an overwhelming experience, especially if the pregnancy is unplanned. It’s normal to feel nervous or scared, but remember that your parents are there to support you, no matter what. If you’re a teen or young adult woman facing an unplanned pregnancy, know that you have options and


Choosing The Right Birthing Method For You

The list of choices one must make during this nine month journey can seem daunting and infinite. Our goal at the Ramona Women’s Clinic is to be a trusted resource for you, where you feel comfortable asking questions and sharing any concerns. Although your birth plan is the culmination of the last decisions you’ll need


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