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I'm pregnant and my partner is abusive

I’m Pregnant, and My Partner Is Abusive

Know that ANY form of abuse, verbal, sexual, physical, or emotional, is never okay. You deserve respect and to feel safe and protected at all times. Help is available. Call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at (800) 799-SAFE (7233) for immediate support. Stay in a Safe Place Do you feel like there is no way

How will pregnancy affect me mentally?

How Will Pregnancy Affect Me Mentally?

Just like every woman, every pregnancy is unique. Some women experience every symptom, including moodiness, immediately. Other women don’t experience any symptoms for months. Pregnancy hormones play a definite role in how you respond mentally. If you find yourself struggling with mental health issues during pregnancy, we encourage you to seek professional help.

Woman finding a Second Trimester Pregnancy Options

What Are My Second-Trimester Pregnancy Options?

There are three options when it comes to your second-trimester pregnancy options. Maybe the initial fear and anxiety have settled a bit now, and you can see clearer. You have three options to choose from: surgical abortion, adoption, or parenting.  The decision is ultimately yours, but we’re here to inform you so you can make


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