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Car seat safety

Child Safety Awareness Month

Child Safety Awareness Month   Can you believe we’ve reached the ninth month of the year?!? September is observed as Baby Safety Awareness Month, a month where retailers, doctors, and all others in positions that influence parents and caregivers are encouraged to highlight baby safety. Since the month-long awareness originated from “Expectant Mothers Day,” it


Honoring Breastfeeding Awareness Month

The wonder of breastfeeding is a process that perfectly depicts the intention in God’s flawless design. ·       The maternal powers are not merely instinctual but in fact physical. ·       Our bodies are able to produce an ever-changing source of nutrients specifically tailored to the current needs of our baby. If that doesn’t leave you breathlessly in awe


The Italics That Should be in Every Birth Plan 

Whether you’ve spent hours meticulously mapping out your birth plan, or yours simply consists of the word “EPIDURAL”, there are three truths and reminders that should be italicised and included in each birth plan.   Labor is unpredictable This truth cannot be emphasized enough. Not only is every labor experience different from the next, but


Women’s History Month

March is Women’s History Month and we are Ramona Women’s Clinic.  Therefore, I felt it would be perfect timing to lift each other up as women in the community. My favorite woman in history is Mary, Queen of Scots.  I know, she is not relevant to us here today but I find her life to


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