The Italics That Should be in Every Birth Plan 

Whether you’ve spent hours meticulously mapping out your birth plan, or yours simply consists of the word “EPIDURAL”, there are three truths and reminders that should be italicised and included in each birth plan.


  1. Labor is unpredictable

This truth cannot be emphasized enough. Not only is every labor experience different from the next, but your experience may differ from the one you’ve come to expect through your nine months of anticipation. As much as we all want our labor to go according to our expectations, with minimal surprises, very rarely will our experience perfectly reflect that which we’ve been imagining. Often our preconceived expectations can inhibit our experience and mindset if we allow ourselves to be consumed by disappointment when reality doesn’t perfectly align with said expectations. This is why the unpredictability of labor should be expected and accounted for in each birth plan. Even if your plan relies simply on an epidural; sometimes epidurals fail, only work on one side, or you arrive at the hospital and are too far along to even receive an epidural. Such unpredictability can be expected in each and every labor experience.

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Pregnant During the Holidays

The holiday season, Halloween to New Year’s, in general can be very exciting.  For some people, the entire year is just made perfect by the culmination of the holiday season.  The costumes of Halloween, followed by the most amazing Thanksgiving dinner of turkey, dressing and some pumpkin pie to finish the deal.  Only to be made perfect by the lights and all the trimmings that come with Christmas that lasts until New Year’s.


Of course, for some, the holiday season is only a reminder for the loss of a loved one, sister, brother, mother or father?  Despite the joyous time, there can be a side of sadness and tragedy.  I can say without reservation that during the holiday season, despite my joy of the season, I miss my mom and I miss my dad.


Perhaps this year is different for you.  You are no longer thinking about the joyous time of the season.  You are no longer focused on the loss of a loved one.  Perhaps this year you are realizing that without any action at all, next Christmas will have the pitter patter of little feet.  Little feet that belong to a baby.  One you might bring into this world.  Perhaps looking at all your friends enjoying the season helps you see even more how scary your pregnancy diagnosis is for you.  Your friends get to party!  They get to ring in the new year without stressing.


However, you are tired, and in bed by 9 pm.  Your thoughts are not on who will drive you home after a night of drinking.  Perhaps your thoughts are on who will drive you to your abortion.  Wait, is that what you want?  Is that really your only option?  It’s time for Thanksgiving dinner.  Will I tell my mom she will be a grandma at such a young age?  Or, she is ok with being a grandma, but she would have been much happier if you would have gotten married first.  What do you say to her?  You are daddy’s girl, now telling daddy you are no longer that little girl.


This time not only can be stressful, it IS stressful.  But you must know, it does not matter if tomorrow is Thanksgiving or Christmas.  What matters is-what do you do next?  Who do you talk to next?  What really are your options and who do you talk to about those options?  One thing you need to know is that there is time.  It doesn’t matter what day in December it is.  What matters is you, your feelings and your options.


We are here to talk about each and every option, as well as, each and every step.  Baby steps are needed, we can help with that.  A giant step forward?  Come talk to us first.  That giant step might end up being a little smaller than you think.  One moment at a time.  Tomorrow will be there, and we will be here for you.

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Little Brown Bag

Is it too late? Are there any other options? Do you feel like you are alone?

Abortion is a heavy decision, and perhaps you have already picked up a little brown bag. Soon, the weight of the world will be gone, just a few pills and you can move on with your life. But, is this true? Are you afraid that you might not be making the right decision? You are not alone, and we can help you answer all your burning questions.

Have you had an ultrasound yet? Why you need an ultrasound before an abortion.

Thinking about taking the abortion Pill? What are the risks of taking the pill? Is it safe for me to take? Will there be any psychological side effects? 

Have you already taken the first abortion pill? It might not be too late to reverse, but you must act fast!

At Ramona Women’s Clinic, our devoted team of volunteers want to help you navigate the heavy decision of abortion in a safe and confidential setting. There are many different options to abortion and we can give you all the information you need to make an educated choice. Contact us TODAY!

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When Should I Take A Pregnancy Test?

When someone thinks they might be pregnant, there are so many questions.  This is especially true for someone who has never experienced pregnancy before.  Most often, the first sign of being pregnant is missing your mensural cycle.  However, not everyone keeps track of those dates.  Morning sickness and breast changes are some other signs which might make a woman think she may be pregnant.  Morning sickness or nausea anytime of the day can be a symptom of pregnancy, one that will grab your attention.  Swollen and or uncomfortable breasts can also be an annoying early sign of pregnancy.  There are other common symptoms of pregnancy.  But back to the question, when is it time to take a test?  The truth is, a pregnancy test if taken too soon, might give you a negative result even when you are in fact pregnant.  Once you have missed your period, you are getting closer to the right time.  Some would suggest the best time to take a pregnancy test is one week after you have missed the start of your period.  For those who choose to take the test sooner, then it is suggested the best time of day that you take the test is first thing in the morning. 

If you think you might be pregnant and you are ready for a pregnancy test, we are here for you. Our tests and services are at no cost to you and our tests are 99% accurate.  Above and beyond all of that, all of our services are done in confidence.  Our caring team of staff and volunteers are standing by, and are ready to help you.  Contact us here.

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Home Pregnancy Test

You would probably be surprised at how many tests we give to women who have already taken a home pregnancy test.  Several times a month we hear the statement, “Well, I did a test at home from the dollar store, and I just do not trust the results.” 


Right now, you might be reading this wondering if you are pregnant.  Are you wondering if you will head off to the dollar store for your own home pregnancy test?  After all, it’s only a dollar!  You might be asking yourself how often an at home pregnancy test is producing a false positive or a false negative response.  You might even be wondering if you can even come up with an extra dollar for their not so expensive test.  


Even if you do buy and perform a home pregnancy from the drug store, you may still feel insecure about the results.


We do not have the answers for you about home pregnancy tests, but we can assure you that we offer lab quality pregnancy tests with a 99% accuracy.  On top of that, all of our tests and services are at no charge to you.  Added to all of that, our caring and compassionate team of staff and volunteers will make sure you are not alone to read the results of your pregnancy test.


If you do get a positive pregnancy test result at home, we can confirm it with a test in our office.  If it comes out positive in our office, we go one step further and do an ultrasound test to attempt to confirm a pregnancy so you can be sure.  Contact us to schedule an appointment. 


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Three Minutes

Three Minutes!

What can you do in three minutes?  I took to social media to see what tasks take such a short period of time, this is what they said.

  • Cook a 3 minute egg. (Soft boil?)
  • Saying something nice to someone.
  • Hand written note.
  • Empty the dishwasher.
  • Sweep the floor.
  • Water plants.Get the mail.
  • Microwave bacon.
  • Brush teeth.
  • Comb hair.
  • Make the bed.
  • Feed the dog/s

Here at our clinic, our pregnancy test takes three minutes for accurate results.  I am sure that if you are sweeping the floor, three minutes seam like no time at all.  But if you think you may be pregnant and you are alone, three minutes might feel like forever!  At Ramona Women’s Clinic, you do not have to be alone.  Our kind and compassionate volunteers can help you navigate the time spent here in a positive way, so you do not feel alone.  

Contact us to schedule your free pregnancy test.

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Tell A Friend

When a friend tells you she is pregnant, how can you be there for her?  

She tells you because she trust you.  She hopes that a conversation with you can help in someway.  Whether its to just get the words out or perhaps she thinks you have suggestions that can help.  It doesn’t matter why she told you, it just matters that you are there to hold her hand, to help in any way you can.  

So, how can you help?  

Tell her she has time to make life altering decisions.  Even though the timing might be hard and your friend isn’t ready to be a mom, she still has time to make decisions and taking the time to make choices will only yield more positive results.  A rash and rushed choice can easily turn into regret for decades.  

Listen to her.  She has fears and concerns.  A friend who listens is a friend who is helping.  

Tell her about us.  We can offer a free pregnancy test, limited OB ultrasound, true choices and a listening ear, free from judgment. We are caring, compassionate and everything we do is confidential.

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Crazy 2020





How can I plan for 18 years of unknown, with 2020 being so crazy?!?  


Yes, the future is uncertain. One thing I can say is that 2021 will be different!  Different, how?  I don’t know!  I cannot predict the future!  If we knew what 2020 had in store for us, everyone would have stocked up on toiletries and paper towels the year before, making sure there would always be a supply for their family. The only thing I can say with certainty is that 2022 will again be different!  So why would 2020 be the year to have an abortion because things are so different?  


If you find yourself possibly pregnant during this unique year of 2020, I assure you that humanity will continue on. We will find the best of times at one point this year. Nine months is a long way away. At Ramona Women’s Clinic, our goal is to help you navigate those nine months and beyond. All services offered are at no cost to you and are 100% confidential.


It’s already been a very trying year for many people. We’ve all been on lockdown for months, with limited number of places to go, as well as people to visit with. People working from home or out of work, with anxiety about how to pay for things-and YOU may be in that very same boat.


But the great news is-We are still OPEN! Although we’ve had to make some changes these past few months-We’re still taking appointments, seeing clients, able to schedule ultrasounds, and have support group meetings (with modifications). Just as the rest of the world, we’re still getting “back to normal.” We’ve changed some day-to-day practices to keep you as safe from the Coronavirus as possible. During this time, you’ll need all the support, encouragement, and reassurance that you’re going to be OK. And remember, all our services are always FREE!


Please remember that you are not alone at this time- when an unexpected pregnancy might make you feel scared, anxious and all alone. We may be separated from our loved ones at times, but there are still many people who care for you-as quickly as a phone call away.


YOU have the power to make the rest of your 2020 a fantastic year (as well as 2021 & beyond). And remember-This too shall pass!


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Privacy Matters

Oh, no.

No, no, no.

This isn’t possible.

I can’t be… pregnant.

What am I going to do? I don’t know. What is everyone going to say? My head hurts. I need time to think. I need someone to talk to that isn’t family or a friend, with their own agendas. 

This thought process is probably very similar to your own if you are facing an unplanned pregnancy. We at the Ramona Women’s Clinic are here to help. Not only do we provide answers about your options, and services such as free pregnancy tests, but we also offer support without the worry of someone else finding out about your pregnancy until you are ready.

Confidentiality is a very important aspect of the Ramona Women’s Clinic. Privacy is so important at times such as this so that you can make the best informed decision without the added stress of unwanted input/judgement from friends and family. We at the Clinic strive to create an open, friendly, relaxed atmosphere, where you can receive caring support and experienced guidance in your current challenge or struggle.

Companionate, caring and confidential! That is what we are offering to you.  Contact us today for your free pregnancy test and unconditional support.

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