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What Are the Legal Restrictions on Abortion in My State?

What Are the Legal Restrictions on Abortion in My State?

Abortion in California is legal up to fetal viability. “Viable” means a fetus can continue growing or developing. Once a fetus reaches the 23rd or 24th week, it is often possible to continue developing outside the uterus. California does not provide abortions past this point. If you are considering abortion for your unplanned pregnancy, be

How will abortion affect me physically?

How Can an Abortion Affect Me Physically?

If you are facing an unexpected pregnancy and are considering abortion, it is wise for you to make sure you understand the risks. Every woman is different, but there are some common risks and side effects of abortion that you should consider. However, before you look further into your options, you should make sure you

My partner is pressuring me to have an abortion but I'm not sure.

My Partner Is Pressuring Me To Have An Abortion, But I’m Not Sure

Having an unplanned pregnancy can be a difficult and emotional time. This is especially true when you don’t feel you have the support you need. Your partner is applying pressure on you to abort. You are not sure what you want to do. You must have all the facts to make the best decision. You

How will abortion affect me mentally?

How Will Abortion Affect Me Mentally?

You think you might be pregnant, and you weren’t expecting it. Lots of emotions can come into play. What should you do? Where should you go to find answers? The first step is to find out if you are pregnant. At Ramona Women’s Clinic, we provide medical services for pregnancy confirmation, including free pregnancy testing.


I Don’t Want to Be Pregnant. Is Abortion My Only Option?

Pregnancy can sometimes come at a difficult time. You may be seeking options because you don’t feel comfortable with abortion. Abortion is not your only option.  If you are already pregnant, two other options are available: adoption and parenting. Keep reading to learn more about each one. You can also visit Ramona Women’s Clinic to

How can I recover emotionally after an abortion?

How Can I Recover Emotionally After An Abortion?

Have you had an abortion, or are you considering one? As with any medical procedure, there are risks. Studies show that abortion can affect at least some women’s mental health. If you had an abortion and are struggling, you are not alone.

Is an Online abortion or at home abortion safe?

Is an Online Abortion or At-Home Abortion Safe?

Online abortions and at-home abortions are performed with drugs ordered through the mail without medical supervision. Before choosing this option, learn all you can to make an empowered choice. Read on for more information, or visit Ramona Women’s Clinic to receive early pregnancy services and talk with us in person.

Why talk to us about abortion?

Why Talk To Us About Abortion?

If you think you might be pregnant and abortion seems the best choice for you, why should you visit our pregnancy clinic? Because Ramona Women’s Clinic can provide you with early pregnancy services and the information you deserve to know before making your decision, all at no cost. Like any medical procedure, abortion has risks

What are the mental health effects of abortion?

What Are the Mental Health Effects Of Abortion?

Abortion’s impact on mental health is a controversial topic because each woman’s experience is unique. However, experts agree that at least some women experience negative mental health impacts after an abortion. Are you currently considering abortion? Visit Ramona Women’s Clinic to receive early pregnancy services and learn about all pregnancy options. Here are some important


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