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The Hidden Dangers of Ordering Abortion Pills Online

As a supposedly “safe” alternative to surgical abortion, the chemical abortion process – commonly referred to as the “abortion pill” – has become increasingly popular. And with rising access to it through online services, its popularity is only increasing. Many would praise this as a step forward for women’s health, but the reality is that


Friendships During Pregnancy

It’s important to have friends during all stages of your life, but especially during pregnancy. Pregnancy can be a time of joy, excitement, and anticipation, but it can also be a time when many women feel isolated and alone. This is perfectly natural, given the tremendous physical and emotional changes that occur during pregnancy. However,


What to Expect From A Prenatal Class

Whether your pregnancy was unplanned or meticulously calculated and prayed for, this new chapter undoubtedly resembles an overwhelming roller coaster of emotions; and that can’t be blamed solely on spiked hormones.  As if the life altering act of creating an entirely new life, while seemingly sacrificing a part of yourself wasn’t enough; it seems the


Women’s History Month

March is Women’s History Month and we are Ramona Women’s Clinic.  Therefore, I felt it would be perfect timing to lift each other up as women in the community. My favorite woman in history is Mary, Queen of Scots.  I know, she is not relevant to us here today but I find her life to


Your Choice: Making an Informed Decision

If you’ve found yourself face to face with an unplanned pregnancy,  it can be a difficult and confusing time. It’s important to take the necessary steps to evaluate your options and make an informed decision about what is best for you. Confirm your pregnancy first. It is extremely important to confirm your pregnancy if you


Choosing Confidence…

Choosing Confidence In God’s Will Staring at two pink lines will elicit a diverse variety of emotions and responses depending upon one’s life situation. For many women, the positive test staring back at them evokes feelings of fear and desperation. When faced with the many unknowns to follow, the weight of one’s future decisions is


How Does It All Work?!

I know what one of your questions is, “How do I get my free limited OB ultrasound?”  It’s all really quite simple and yes, it is free!  But there is a short process to get there and I would love to walk you through it.  To start with, reach out to us to make an appointment.  We


Myth: College and Parenthood Can’t Mix

Having a baby while in college is often seen as the start of one life, but the end your own. It’s understandable to feel that way, but that doesn’t have to be the case! With proper preparation and assistance from the people closest to you, parenting can be a fulfilling journey of self-discovery and growth.


Myth: Teen Pregnancy = Life Over

As a teen, you may feel scared and overwhelmed by the prospect of an unexpected pregnancy. You may worry that your life is over, but this is far from the truth. Having a baby as a young woman does not mean the end of your dreams, it simply means that you need to take some


Myth: The Abortion Pill is Completely Safe

While the abortion pill is often portrayed as being completely safe, the reality is that it can have a number of serious medical and emotional complications for the women that take it. In this blog post, we will take a look at the risks associated with the abortion pill and dispel some of the myths


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