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Little Brown Bag

Is it too late? Are there any other options? Do you feel like you are alone? Abortion is a heavy decision, and perhaps you have already picked up a little brown bag. Soon, the weight of the world will be gone, just a few pills and you can move on with your life. But, is


When Should I Take A Pregnancy Test?

When someone thinks they might be pregnant, there are so many questions.  This is especially true for someone who has never experienced pregnancy before.  Most often, the first sign of being pregnant is missing your mensural cycle.  However, not everyone keeps track of those dates.  Morning sickness and breast changes are some other signs which might


Home Pregnancy Test

You would probably be surprised at how many tests we give to women who have already taken a home pregnancy test.  Several times a month we hear the statement, “Well, I did a test at home from the dollar store, and I just do not trust the results.”    Right now, you might be reading


Tell A Friend

When a friend tells you she is pregnant, how can you be there for her?   She tells you because she trust you.  She hopes that a conversation with you can help in someway.  Whether its to just get the words out or perhaps she thinks you have suggestions that can help.  It doesn’t matter


Never Forget How Capable You Are

There’s undoubtedly been moments in your life that you didn’t know how you would ever overcome. In that moment, those challenges might have seemed to collapse your framework of life, but despite odds being against your favor, you came out stronger than ever before. As a woman, you have surpassed many challenging experiences and come


Crazy 2020

Pregnant?   Now?!?!?    How can I plan for 18 years of unknown, with 2020 being so crazy?!?     Yes, the future is uncertain. One thing I can say is that 2021 will be different!  Different, how?  I don’t know!  I cannot predict the future!  If we knew what 2020 had in store for us,


Privacy Matters

Oh, no. No, no, no. This isn’t possible. I can’t be… pregnant. What am I going to do? I don’t know. What is everyone going to say? My head hurts. I need time to think. I need someone to talk to that isn’t family or a friend, with their own agendas.  This thought process is


Uncertain Times Call for Certain Measures

As a whole, the world seems to be surrounded in a blanket of fear, confusion, and sheer panic.  Most people are asked to stay home in order to hopefully minimize the spread of Covid-19, the Coronavirus. At a time like this, most of us feel uncertain and completely unsure of what will tomorrow be like.   


Plan C

Do you feel confident in your plan? How about a new plan?   Plan A…. Have sex. Did that plan include birth control or other forms of contraception? Did that plan succeed? In a national survey done by The Society for Women’s Health, it was found that 43% of 1,000 women across the U.S. become


You're not alone.