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High-Risk Pregnancies and the Vital Role of Prenatal Care

Pregnancy is a journey of anticipation and hope, but it can also be a time of uncertainty, especially when it’s classified as high-risk. At Ramona Women’s Clinic, we understand that every pregnancy is unique, and some require extra attention and care. This blog focuses on the critical importance of prenatal care in high-risk pregnancies, a


The Emotional Rollercoaster: Coping with Pregnancy Hormones

Pregnancy, often hailed as a miraculous journey, is accompanied by profound physical and emotional changes. The very fabric of one’s daily existence shifts as the body embarks on the remarkable task of nurturing a new life. As this process unfolds, a floodgate of hormones opens up, profoundly impacting mood and feelings. These hormonal tides can

pregnant woman

Choosing to Document and Savor Each Moment

Whether a pregnancy was unplanned or highly hoped for, it can be easy to become overwhelmed by the whirlwind of checklists and to-do’s from the first trimester through delivery; without taking the time to cherish, document, and savor this sweet period of time. The most important factor in switching one’s mindset, is to embrace this


Women’s History Month

March is Women’s History Month and we are Ramona Women’s Clinic.  Therefore, I felt it would be perfect timing to lift each other up as women in the community. My favorite woman in history is Mary, Queen of Scots.  I know, she is not relevant to us here today but I find her life to


Choosing Confidence…

Choosing Confidence In God’s Will Staring at two pink lines will elicit a diverse variety of emotions and responses depending upon one’s life situation. For many women, the positive test staring back at them evokes feelings of fear and desperation. When faced with the many unknowns to follow, the weight of one’s future decisions is


Pregnant During the Holidays

The holiday season, Halloween to New Year’s, in general can be very exciting.  For some people, the entire year is just made perfect by the culmination of the holiday season.  The costumes of Halloween, followed by the most amazing Thanksgiving dinner of turkey, dressing and some pumpkin pie to finish the deal.  Only to be made perfect by


When Should I Take A Pregnancy Test?

When someone thinks they might be pregnant, there are so many questions.  This is especially true for someone who has never experienced pregnancy before.  Most often, the first sign of being pregnant is missing your mensural cycle.  However, not everyone keeps track of those dates.  Morning sickness and breast changes are some other signs which might


Home Pregnancy Test

You would probably be surprised at how many tests we give to women who have already taken a home pregnancy test.  Several times a month we hear the statement, “Well, I did a test at home from the dollar store, and I just do not trust the results.”    Right now, you might be reading


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